learning portuguese

Intensive Portuguese Courses (30 hours). We started teaching our intensive Portuguese courses in September 2014. Throughout all these years, we have had hundreds of students. We have been perfecting our content and teaching strategies. Currently, we have a course that truly meets the needs of those who decide to learn Portuguese.

TEACHING METHODOLOGY: LEVEL A1 – At Lisbon Language Café, we are constantly focused on the conversation! However, during level A1.1, it is not possible for students (and teachers) to successfully engage in conversation activities. Therefore, during the first half of the A1 level course, we teach our students the essential grammar of the Portuguese language. During the second half of the A1 level course (i.e., during A1.2), we begin to introduce and successfully engage in comprehension and oral expression activities (conversation activities).

TEACHING/LEARNING MATERIALS OF THE PORTUGUESE LANGUAGE. By enrolling in an intensive course with Lisbon Language Café, the student knows that ALL teaching/learning materials will be made available at no additional cost. BOOK – We have our own manual which is the result of our long teaching experience. The A1 level book consists of 7 units that are delivered to the student throughout the course. QUIZLET – An online platform with study lists made by us that aim to complement the learning from our classes. PODCASTS – An ESSENTIAL tool for students aimed at improving oral comprehension. Absolutely indispensable!

NUMBER OF STUDENTS IN EACH INTENSIVE COURSE: 6 students. Working with small groups of students is essential to ensure effective participation by all students. At Lisbon Language Café, we believe that it is through active learning that students can consolidate their knowledge. This means that students are an active part of the teaching/learning process. In other words, students are constantly involved and questioned in order to maintain their focus and participation in classes.

COURSE STRUCTURE: The course has a duration of 30 hours (3 hours per day for two weeks). It is essential that these 30 hours of contact with a teacher are complemented with an additional 10 to 20 hours of homework. The first week of classes (level A1.1) is dedicated to teaching and learning the basic elements of Portuguese grammar. In the second week of classes (level A1.2), in addition to continuing to explore Portuguese grammar, we also advance to conversation. It is during the second half of the course that students begin to consolidate everything they have learned during the course.

Until now, students who finished Level A1 with difficulties had the options of individual lessons or repeating Level A1. This A2 level preparation course is the perfect solution for this group of students!

Click HERE to check the dates of upcoming Portuguese courses.


