

In the current era, harnessing the wealth of available technology is a logical step to enhance your learning experience. Computers, mobile phones, and tablets serve as excellent tools, providing you with the flexibility to engage in various activities. Whether it’s day or night, you have the opportunity to study Portuguese from anywhere. Therefore, the unequivocal answer is yes. Embracing these tools will afford you numerous advantages, including:

  • You can study Portuguese everywhere and anytime. You just have to have a smartphone.
  • You will learn new Portuguese words and you will expand your vocabulary very quickly.
  • It will consolidate your Portuguese grammar because you will have many opportunities and many activities to review over and over again the concepts that you have been learning in your Portuguese lessons.
  • Nowadays, there are loads of platforms that will teach you many words and many rules in Portuguese.

Our E-learning platforms have the following materials (100% free of charge):

  • A1 PODCASTS: A good tool for A1.2 level Portuguese learners. Students who are starting their teaching process should focus their attention and energy on consolidating A1.1 basic grammar
  • A2 PODCASTS: A good solution to improve and consolidate A2-level listening skills. These podcasts are also an opportunity to review the grammar of this level of learning (through careful reading of podcasts).
  • VIDEOS B1: Videos are perfect for intermediate students. If this is your level you should search for videos that have subtitles and text available. All videos have associated activities and complex grammatical structures (subjunctive: present, future, imperfect among other verb tenses more simple).
  • Games, flashcards, listening activities, written expression, and much more.

Our platforms are organized into lists that are divided into three levels: A1, A2, and B1. Levels A1 and A2 are for the beginner level and level B1 is for intermediate students! Click here to try our PORTUGUESE LEARNING STUDIO FOR FREE!

In conclusion, for those learning Portuguese in Lisbon, it is advisable to utilize a diverse range of resources. Nevertheless, it’s crucial to bear in mind that E-learning platforms can never replace the invaluable experience of engaging in a direct conversation with a native speaker. Speaking remains the most effective—and singular—activity that solidifies your grasp of Portuguese!


ADDRESS: Rua do Instituto Industrial, number 18, floor 3, right door – Santos

Mobile: 925 611 952

SEND US AN EMAIL TO: speak@lisbonlanguagecafe.pt