Programa de Estudos de Inglês  – Lisbon Language Café

Grammar Content Level Units
Grammar: Pronouns: personal, Verb To be (all forms)
Vocabulary: Introducing yourself and others; Give personal information (Name, age, address, nationality, etc); Alphabet; Ordinal and Cardinal numbers; Greetings; Some countries and nationalities
A1 Unit1
Grammar: Question words (What, who, which, where, when)
Vocabulary: Formulating questions; some common words (classroom objects; objects in the house; etc); body parts A1 Unit2
Grammar: Present simple (Positive), Adverbs of frequency, Prepositions of time, including in/on/at
Vocabulary: Daily routine; Weekdays; Months; Transports; some activities (meaning of verbs, e.g., read, listen to, sleep, eat, etc); Time
A1 Unit3
Grammar: Possessive adjectives, Possessive case (Singular and Plural)
Vocabulary: Family members; describing people (physical and psychological features); talk about your family; look at a family tree and understanding family relationships
A1 Unit4
Grammar: Present simple (Negative and Interrogative)
Vocabulary: Review of daily routine vocabulary; asking your partner his/hers preferences; review/consolidation of people’s description
A1 Unit 5
Grammar: Prepositions of place, Giving Directions , Definite and Indefinite articles
Vocabulary: House vocabulary; describing your house; describing a room in your house; review plural rules; places in the city; looking at a map and giving directions
A1 Unit 6
Grammar: Verb + ing: like/hate/love, Adjectives: common and demonstrative, Intensifiers – very basic
Vocabulary: list of activities; sports; What do you like to do?; expressing opinion; clothes and colours A1 Unit 7
Grammar: Past simple of “to be” – all forms, Past Simple – Positive (some irregular verbs)
Vocabulary: Actions in the past; talk about what you did yesterday or the previous weekend
A1 Unit 8
Grammar: Modals: can/can’t/could/couldn’t, I’d like
Past Simple – Negative and Interrogative
Vocabulary: food; going to a restaurant; social rules; what is and what is not allowed; Things you didn’t like as a child
A1 Unit 9
Grammar: Present continuous (all forms)
Vocabulary: Jobs; review the body parts (aches and diseases)
A1 Unit 10
Grammar: Present Continuous (future fixed plans)
Vocabulary: What are you doing tomorrow?; travelling vocabulary; talking about different cities and countries A1 Unit 11
Grammar: Present Simple (all forms); Question words; Adverbs of frequency; Review of A1 most important contents
Vocabulary: Talk about yourself; Give personal information; Daily routine; Likes and dislikes (Breaking the ice exercise); How do you relax?
A2 Unit 12
Grammar: Definite and Indefinite articles; Review of plural rules;
Countable and Uncountable nouns: much/many/few/a little/a lot of;
Vocabulary: List of new words; Food; Travelling and Cultural differences; common words (plural sentences) A2 Unit 13
Grammar: Some/any; Past Simple review (all forms); Irregular verbs (more); Linking words;
Vocabulary: Expressing your opinion; Vocabulary related to world problems and issues (death penalty; freedom of speech; abortion; gay marriage; etc); Addictions and Health
A2 Unit 14
Grammar: Adjective order; Indefinite articles; Comparative and Superlative;
Vocabulary: list of adjectives; review of people’s description; formulating sentences with the adjectives given; review all contents such as food, places in the city, house objects, etc.; Guess Who game
A2 Unit 15
Grammar: Modal verbs (might/may/should/must/can/could);
Verb + ing/infinitive: like/want-would like to;
Vocabulary: Expressing your wants and desires; Give advices; make a bucket list; Everyday and special activities; Sports and personal interests; feeling and emotions
A2 Unit 16
Grammar: Present continuous; Present continuous for future;
Present Simple vs Present Continuous;
Vocabulary: Regular habits and list of action your can be doing at the moment; Cinema and Literature vocabulary;
A2 Unit 17
Grammar: Phrasal verbs – common; Possessive case (review);
Prepositional phrases (place, time and movement)
Vocabulary: Family members; Expressing possession; When, where and what was the last great thing you did?; Phrasal verb list and meanings; Idiomatic expressions
A2 Unit 18
Grammar: Past Continuous; Past Simple vs Past Continous;
Vocabulary: When/while;
A2 Unit 19
Grammar: Will/ won’t (Future) vs Be going to; Zero and First Conditional;
Vocabulary: Music; jobs and job related expressions; abstract nouns (happiness; freedom; love; friendship); A2 Unit 20
Grammar: Present Perfect Simple; Expressions: Since, for, yet, already; ever; never; just; Present Perfect Simple vs Past Simple;
A2 Unit 21

Programa de Estudos de Inglês (B1) – Lisbon Language Café

Grammar Content Level Unit
Grammar: Review of A2 Important concepts (Present/past simple Present/Past continuous, Will/be going to), Used to + infinitive
Vocabulary: Getting to know each other, detailed introduction including family ties, education history and looking to the future. Past Habits and activities.
B1 Unit 22
Grammar: Question Tags, Present Perfect Vs Past simple
Vocabulary: Holidays and travels in the past, weather, hotel facilities. Past participles.
B1 Unit 23
Grammar: Both, Either, Neither; Adjectives and their subtleties (good vs excellent, handsome vs beautiful)
Vocabulary: Describing people and objects in more detail. Personality traits, specific attributes. Appearances and clothes as well.
B1 Unit 24
Grammar: First Conditional, Adverbs of time
Vocabulary: Make and do, house work, chores, cooking
B1 Unit 25
Grammar: Adverbs of manner and modifiers, Second Conditional, Modal review
Vocabulary: Hopes, dreams, and wishes. What would you do if…..
B1 Unit 26
Grammar: Present perfect Continuous
Vocabulary: Education and Schools. Vocabulary to describe the school system and your thoughts about it.
B1 Unit 27
Grammar: Passive Speech (Simple forms)
Vocabulary: Political systems and famous politicians in history. Discussion of their achievement or role. B1 Unit 28
Grammar: Relative Clauses, defining and non-defining
Vocabulary: Strange pets and animals that people like to own. Wildlife and zoos. Are they good or bad?
B1 Unit 29
Grammar: Past Perfect Simple
Vocabulary: History of crime and punishment, talking about people who have committed famous crimes. More past participles.
B1 Unit 30
Grammar: Reported Speech
Vocabulary: Films, books and TV Series, Discussing types and likes. Discussing the story and details of your favorites
B1 Unit 31

Programa de estudos – Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. A small synopsis of the abilities for each level follows.
Programa de estudos, A1 level – Can understand and use familiar and daily life expressions, as well as very simple sentences, that aim to satisfy concrete necessities. Can introduce himself and introduce others and is capable of making questions and giving answers on personal aspects, such as, the place where he lives, the people he knows and the things that he has. Can communicate in a simple way, if the interlocutor speaks slowly and distinctly it helps.
Programa de estudos, A2 level – Can understand isolated phrases and frequently used expressions within areas of immediate importance (simple personal and family information, purchases, recent activities). Can communicate on simple tasks and routines that demand only one exchange of simple information and on subjects that are familiar and common. Can describe in a simple way his education, past and relate them to his immediate necessities.

Our courses follow the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages. By the end of the level B1 will be able to:

Programa de estudos, B1 – Understand long speeches, lectures, and complex arguments if the subject matter is relatively familiar. Understand the majority of accents in films and shows. Speak with native speakers easily. Discuss familiar topics and opinions in great detail. Read articles about common topics. Begin to understand books written for native speakers. Write and essay or report.

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