Are you about to start learning Portuguese in Lisbon? Are you already having Portuguese lessons? If the answer is yes, you will be glad to know that this article is for you because it will explain to you how important your partner will be. If you want to achieve your goals with the language of Camões (the most famous poet of Portugal), you will need help.
If you’re still starting A1 content, there are many things that are new for you. At this point, you have to focus on expanding the number of Portuguese words that you know. You also have to understand and know by heart the key points of the Portuguese language.
While you’re completing A1 content, your partner won’t be very useful. This is because your ability to communicate is so low that any attempt to converse is a frustrating experience.
Don’t forget that your partner can speak Portuguese but he (or she) is not a Portuguese teacher. This means that he (or she) doesn’t know how to help you. He doesn’t know which Portuguese grammar structures you are learning.

From level A2 on, things get better and you can already start speaking a little bit with him or with her. It won’t be an easy task because your skills are still low and you will struggle almost all the time to find the words and the structures. You have to remember that an A2 student of Portuguese (or any other language) is still starting the journey. This means that you won’t have learned many Portuguese structures and rules at that point. Don’t expect a fluent conversation! Try to be effective when you’re communicating in Portuguese. If you can understand and if you can be understood that will be brilliant at this stage.
This is when things start getting better and more interesting. At the end of level B1, you will be able to understand Portuguese people in a one-on-one situation. And it is also at this stage that your partner will play a super relevant role in your learning process.
As a Portuguese teacher, I can guarantee you that you have to create a weekly or daily routine with your partner to practice your Portuguese. You can speak Portuguese only on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays. Or every day at night or another routine that suits you well. It is up to you as long as you speak Portuguese often.