

If you’re learning Portuguese and you still don’t have a Portuguese teacher, you have to know which are the A2 grammar key points.

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The most important tip is: you have to find a teacher to do listening and speaking activities! It is the best and most effective way to consolidate A2 grammar content.

In terms of grammar content you will learn:

  • Diagonal pronouns such as “comigo, contigo, connosco, com ele”…
  • Imperative. This tense is used to give instructions to someone [example: “desculpe” = I am sorry (formal) or “desculpa” = I am sorry (informal)]
  • Pretérito Imperfeito (past tense). In Portuguese, we use this tense to talk about many different contexts. EXAMPLES: 1- Order something  in a polite way (example: “queria um café”); 2- Talk about repetitive actions in the past (example: “antigamente ia muito ao cinema”; 3- Inform about our age in the past (example: “tinha 12 anos quanto fui ao Porto”)
  • Time prepositions (examples: de manhã = in the morning, à tarde/noite = at night)
  • Conditional (example: “gostaria de ir ao Brasil” = I would like to go to Brazil
  • Direct and indirect pronouns (example: amo-te = I love you)
  • Indefinite pronouns (variable and invariable. A few examples: ninguém, alguém, tudo, nada, outro,..
  • “Infinitivo pessoal”. This is a tense that doesn’t exist in any other idiom/language. We usually say that when we use “Infinitivo pessoal” to bend the verb. Example 1 : Para IRMOS ao cinema temos de apanhar o metro; Example 2: “para ires a Lisboa, tens de apanhar o autocarro” = to go to Lisbon you have to catch the bus)
  • Partícula apassivante SE. Example: “Vendem-se casas!”
  • Regular and irregular Past participles. How to use them, guidelines. Examples: “Eu tenho lido muito”  = I have been reading a lot.

Grammar is important but we don’t want to finish this article without stressing how important it is to speak and listen in Portuguese. That is the best tip we can offer you!


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