Portuguese classes in Lisbon

Is Watching Portuguese TV the Key to Language Mastery?

The answer can be both a resounding YES and a tentative NO. YES, if you fall into the category of advanced students (B2 – C1). These individuals already possess a solid understanding of the Portuguese language, enabling them to comprehend native speakers in one-on-one conversations. However, when engaged in group settings, maintaining a fluid discussion remains a challenge. For this specific group of Portuguese learners, dedicating time to watching Portuguese TV becomes crucial for honing their listening skills. While watching TV or listening to the radio in a different language is undeniably challenging, it’s an activity best suited for advanced students seeking to further enhance their proficiency.

NO! If you are an A1 or A2 student of Portuguese, delving into Portuguese TV would be a futile use of your time. Given the constraints on your time, it’s essential to make wise choices. If you find yourself at the A1 level, focus on consolidating A1 structures and vocabulary in Portuguese. The same principle applies to A2 students. As previously emphasized, watching Portuguese TV is an activity suited for those at the B2 or C1 proficiency levels. Therefore, for A1 or A2 students, engaging in such activities won’t contribute to effective learning or consolidation. Stick to study materials that align with your current level of Portuguese proficiency, avoiding activities that prove too challenging for your stage of learning.

Our A1 and A2 level podcasts are also an excellent option for improving your Portuguese because they were designed for students at these proficiency levels. This means that the vocabulary and grammatical structures you’ll encounter there align with the proficiency levels of A1 and A2 students. Try out our PORTUGUESE LEARNING STUDIO now and start enhancing your Portuguese comprehension skills today.


ADDRESS: Rua do Instituto Industrial, number 18, floor 3, right door – Santos

Mobile: 925 611 952

SEND US AN EMAIL TO: speak@lisbonlanguagecafe.pt